How to Register Your Wills
Once you've enabled access to the Canada Will Registry, you're ready to start registering your wills. In this blog post we'll go through how you can register your records individually or all at once.
Go to
The first step to register your wills is to go to the Will Registry tab on
Single Will Registration
To register a single will (or codicil), click the "Single Will" box and fill in the form. You will need to provide some information about the testator, the type of document you're registering, and where it's been stored.
Many of the fields are optional, e.g. the name of the lawyer who prepared the will. You do not need to provide this information. You can use these fields to organize and manage your registered records on the My Will Vault tab.
Multiple Will Registration
Many firms have will vaults containing thousands of records. It doesn't make sense to register each document individually.
On the Registration tab, you can check the "Multiple Wills" box and select a spreadsheet file from your computer. With this feature, you can register tens of thousands of records in a few seconds.
Preparing the Spreadsheet
If your firm is already using Excel to keep track of your will vault, then preparing the bulk registration spreadsheet will be as easy as saving the file in the right columns.
We will provide you with a template file you can fill in. You can even upload your current file to NoticeConnect, and we will put the data into the right format for your firm.
If your firm is using a paper system and would like help preparing the bulk registration file, please contact us at [email protected] and we may be able to assist.
Managing Your Records
Once you've registered your wills, you can view and manage your records on the My Will Vault tab (under My Account).
You can search and sort your records, transfer wills to other firms, and manage your data from this page. Clicking on a specific record will show you the full details of that will.