/ Company Updates

Free Registration for LegalWills.ca Customers

We are excited to announce that NoticeConnect has connected our Canada Will Registry with LegalWills.ca.

LegalWills.ca customers can now register the location of their will on the Canada Will Registry at no charge, via a discount code that waives the $35 registration fee. This collaboration ensures that the wills prepared with LegalWills.ca can be found when they're needed, and makes our national will registry that much more comprehensive.

We hear almost every day from a family member who cannot find a loved one's Will. At this point they realize that not finding a Will is the same as dying without a Will. A critical final step in writing a Will is making sure that it can be found after you have passed away. The Canada Will Registry is an important tool to ensure that your Last Will and Testament ends up in the right hands at the right time.

Tim Hewson, President & CEO of LegalWills.ca

Stephanie Repic

Stephanie Repic

Stephanie is the Marketing Coordinator at NoticeConnect

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